Sunday, January 31


  1. Post sebelum ni ade ckp tntg sape yg berminat nak join grup tu,leave email. Sy nak tolong dftarkan...
  2. Alhamdulilah, ada respond,
  3. Jadi, terima kasih byk2.
  4. Kalo masih x dpt email dr pihak trsebut, harap dpt brsbr ye. Ada maslh sikit kot.
  5. Kalo ada yg minat, tapi cm....., bolehla tanye@ leave email anda.
  6. Sebarang pertanyaan boleh diajukan.
  7. Tinggal je soalan tu, InsyaAllah kalo bleh jwb, sy jwb.
  8. Kalo nak tanye kat ym pun boleh je, jgn riso, sy x charge duit....
  9. dan, kalo boleh, cepat2 la ye...
  10. Sebab sy nak dftrkan byk2 sekali..hihihi..
Kongsi sedikit,

Adalah lebih digalakkan utk mnggunakan Gmail bg menyertai ALKIS, sbb Gmail menyusun semua email dlm topik yg sama, adalh lebih mudah bg anda. Tapi, kalo mahu menggunakan email lain juga tidak mengapa. Bukanlah suatu paksaan.

Terima Kasih

Aina Mardhiya

Wednesday, January 27

Nope,and nope...

'Cik Kak' memang degil kerana x reti2 nak berehat walaupun dsurh berjuta2 manusia...(berjuta keh?)

'Cik Kak', awak tu batuk + selsema + sakit tekak + demam + sshnye nak brnafs...masih lagi nak on9?said family 'Cik Kak'.Ini adalah kemuncaknya..

Cik Kak itu sungguhla x larat..., jika anda membaca skrg, sy sesungghnya sgtlah tidak lrat utk memikrkan perkara itu! Len kali ya! Tunggu saya on,boleh ya!

Monday, January 25

SBT tahniah!

Baru tadi melihat Buletin TV3, pemberita mengumumkan antara 20 sekolah yang diumumkan mendapat Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi (SBT) yang diumumkan oleh TPM, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin :



moga2 dgn anugerah ini bertambah baiklah faedah yang bakal diperolehi semua.

Kalau mahu lihat lebih lanjut klik di sini

Saturday, January 23

I'm so sorry

mule2 x prasan..and then tpkir nape die jd weirdo mcm tuh???

Da lelame br prasan..

Mesti 'dia' faham...

I'm Soooooooooooooooooo Sorryyyyyyy!!!

Betul nieyh...xde maksud cm 'die' pkir...

alamak cmne leh wat silap nieyh!!!

Maafkanlah ye....???

Friday, January 22

Thursday, January 21

just some ........

-Come on HEADACHE,leave me alone!!!-
Its been so many days!!!

Wednesday, January 20

Aidiladha Celebration 2009

pada mata ini ada 1001 perasaan

bergembra brsama bas sekolah

mcm pegi haji pon ada gak..xp

Disebabkan hari raya Aidiladha jatuh pada hari pertengahan peperiksaan SPM 2009,maka anak2 KKJ telah disuruh supaya beraya di sekolah sahaja.Buat pertama kalinya bagi saya beraya di sekolah bersama kawan2.Ibubapa dibenarkan datang untuk melawat tetapi bukan semua dapat hadir.Yang dekat datanglah,yang jauh mungkin susah sedikit.Ramai yang minta kebenaran untuk pulang namun tidak mendapat keizinan ayahanda kerana kata beliau,beliau juga turut beraya di situ,jadi tiada sebab untuk kami pulang?Tetapi betulka tiada yang pulang???:)

Tarikh :28 November 2009
Tempat: Kolej Tercinta

Pagi itu,bilik gosok@iron room sangatlah sesak.Penuh dengan pelbagai jenis baju.Segala jubah,baju kurung dsb.Warna-warni.Semua pelajar yang mengambil peperiksaan diwajibkan menunaikan solat hari raya di Musolla al-Muqarrabin milik kaum Muslimat.Solat raya diimamkan ayahanda pengetua tercinta..iaitulah Tn.Haji Abdullah Jusoh.Khutbah disyarahkan Sdr. Khairul Aizat Zulkefli.Dua ekor lembu ditumbangkan.

menunggu lembu korban..;)

taklimat program 'Rayaku di KKJ'

syahid sudah dia di tgn ustaz kami...

"sidang hadirin sekalian..." -khatib-

Sarapan pagi itu nasi himpit.Ye la sementara tunggu daging lembu kan..he3x.Sbnarnya abis khutbah tu,da start dah parents dtg.Tapi bagi kitorg yg lmbt g parents dye dtg or x dtg langsung,kitowg pegila tgk lembu dikorbankan.Dapat pahale kan...Ade sekor lagi dok dlm lori.G tmpat len kot.Penyembelih adalah Ustaz Rashid,dye dulu mngaja la tapi skrg dye dah sambung blaja.Rindu blaja BAT ngan isteri dye,Ustzh Sumaiyah.Anyway,lepas habis smbelih tu,kitowg pon pulgla ke asrama.Anyway,it's still exam so we have to study ma!

lihatlah aksi mereka,kanak2 dorm F30 (tp xcukp ni...)

any komen?

srpn pagi tu nasi impit ngan kuah kcg...

Aidiladha kami di perantauan

Ustaz jadi artis terkenal

tekun mendengar...


Saturday, January 16


Okeh,I didn't write any post before this.
First,I don't know what to write about and second,got another thing to do.This time,I just want to share with all of you,I got an email from an ALKISan,he said that KISAS..(some might name it with another name..),will held "majlis pengiktirafan sekolah berprestasi tinggi yang KISAS juga akan mendapat pengiktirafan",which mean the college will be a School with the High Performance..some sort like that maybe.Anyway,congratulation to all for this award walhamdalillah.After all those thing that we had to do to gain that award.You deserve it KISAS.That majlis will be held next Saturday,he said TPM will be there.All the best for KISAS.

It doesn't matter whether you are KISAS or ALKIS,you had been there and you had gone throught it.

"The most beautiful things on the Earth cannot be touch neither be seen.It can only be feel"-anonymous-

Anyone who are interested to join ALKIS kindly give me your email.

Tuesday, January 5


the music of 'nothing to do' surrounded the room.I am very bored.Even my brother get bored.Haha.He had nothing to do than watching the tv and surf the internet..not to mention he will ask me to watch the movie which he downloaded from the itrnet.Now,Alvin and the chipmunks done..waiting for 2012.
Blogjog,blogwalking,blogstrolling,what else??It's all done.
Ok,final,I searched for songs.Everything,from malay to english to arabic..Until I get addicted with the baba fein song.

At the hospital,I found so many of PLKN trainers at there.The thought of them who got PLKN came across my are them right now???Guys,I hope everything is okay for you.All THE BEST!

Ok,many of my friend are at another step and they will drive the car,'s so great.It's maybe another six years for me.I mean after this,only 21 years old are allowed for the license,right?

The internet is so slow that I can't upload the photos.sigh~~~

off now

Aina Mardhiya

p/s:yo people.always pray for our success in SPM okeh.Recently,heard that skema sgt syadid.Oh Allah help us!

Untuk SBFB

Bace tau!
عمرو دياب - صدقني خلاص

صدقنى خلاص من بين الناس
حبيتك واخترتك ليه
طول ما انا وياك قدامى ملاك
خلتنى ما غمضشى عنيه
الله يا سلام فى عنيك احلى كلام
قرب منى شويه شويه
قلبي وقلبك سوى يتلاقوا
الدنيا انت ملته عليه
ده الحب اللى ماحدش داقه
قرب منى شويه شويه
اد ما تقدر قرب تانى
الدنيا انت ملته عليه
وكانك مخلوق علشانى

يا ارق الناس فى عنيك احساس
بيخدنى معاه انسى الدنيا
ضمنى بايديك لو غالى عليك
ماضيعشى ياريت ولا ثانيه
الله يا سلام فى عنيك احلى كلام

قرب منى شويه شويه
قلبي وقلبك سوى يتلاقوا
الدنيا انت ملته عليه
ده الحب اللى ماحدش داقه

قرب منى شويه شويه اد ما تقدر قرب تانى
الدنيا انت ملتها علية
وكانك مخلوق علشانى

حبيبى حبيبى انا محتجلك تفضل جنبى
اه حبيبى
قرب منى شويه شويه
قلبي وقلبك سوى يتلاقوا
الدنيا انت ملته عليه
انا محتجلك تفضل جنبي
اه حبيبى

Just trust me of all people
Why have I loved you and chosen you?
As long as I'm with you there is an angel before me
You made me unable to hide my eyes
Oh god wow there is the most beautiful talk in your eyes
Come a little closer to me slowly
My heart and your heart are reunited together
You filled the world for me
With this love that nobody has before tasted
Come a little closer to me slowly
As much as you can drawn close again
You filled the world for me
As if you were created for me

Oh most delicate woman there is feeling in your eyes
They take me with them and I forget the world
Hold me in your hands if I am precious to you
If only you would not be missing for a single second
Oh god wow there is the most beautiful talk in your eyes

My darling I need you
Remain by my side
Oh my darling

credit to:

Monday, January 4

Arus Qudus

*Hidup Memang Payah*

Layarkan kehidupan ke destinasi pilihan
Nikmatilah keindahan yang tak dijanjikan
Hayatilah keperitan baru bisa mengertikan
Kemanisan kebesaran rahsia kebenaran

Yang tinggal kita mencari
Hidup nyatanya misteri
Kita tafsirkan sukar diertikan

Hidup ini memang payah
Kadang gelap kadang cerah
Hati ini jika resah
Siksa jiwa takkan sudah

Hidup ini memang payah
Ku terima ku berserah
Hati ini bila pasrah
Yang susah bisa mudah

Bersama yang susah adanya yang mudah
Bersama yang susah..mudah..

Arus deras kehidupan
Dikejar dan ditinggalkan
Terima yang ditakdirkan
Tulus kesyukuran

Dalam jiwa peperangan
Duka resah sendirian
Kita dalam pengorbanan
Pinta pengampunan


Friday, January 1


Welcome 2010

We grew older
Various of plans were planned by some of us for this year
People getting married,people getting their jobs,people getting their sons/daughters
But most important we should have a great year...Leave all the sad part and carry on your lives.Love yourself.Grab the opportunity,be the best for yourself.Love people that cares for you,try not to hate the person you hate most.

Turn over a new leaf.I believe there are plenty of us had various of visions for their lives and so on.As long as its on the right path,you have to do it as you wish for yourself.

So guys

May this year brings cheers to all of us.

Aina Mardhiya