From day to day, we can see all the happy news from our friends
Such as this couple of friends. (couple is for two, right?)

(nab, maap aku curik gamba)
Both are Selangorians, both were my dormmates for two year at KISAS. Both are my addmath teacher. Congratulations for both of you. They will fly to others country. I'm so proud of them.
NABILAH BINTI MOHD KHUSAIRI (in the sec pic, she wears black tudung and specky one) will enter INTEC and soon fly to Jordan for Islamic Banking course.
While ZAHRA BINTI TAJUDDIN ( she doesn't wear speck in sec pic) will fly to Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee, United States this June.
Both of them are funny, hilarious, easy-going, smart and so matured. I've been with them for almost two years. Allah had placed us in the same sport house also the same dorm. Nab and Zahra, for what can I see, susah mahu dipisahkan. Especially F5, where there is Zahra, there's also Nab, and otherwise. So respect with their friendship.
They had taught me a lot of things.
'Guys, I wanna say thank you so much for all the things that you guys have done to me. I missed both of you so much. May Allah bless our life and strengthen the bonds of ukhwah we created. I hope this ukhwah will remain forever. I am so happy and grateful to know you girls. Zahra, thank you sebab sudi jadi mentor I ya. '
Hope korang tak forget our dorm memories, F30/08, F12/09.
May all your dreams come true. Banggalah dengan antuma. Semoga sentiasa diiringi langkah2 kejayaan.
Nanti bila dah di sana, jangan lupa orang d sini. :)
maaf, post ni simple saja.