Wednesday, September 29

The time has come!


Yeay! Alhamdulillah the final exam for semester one is done! However, the result is still unknown. What to do now is hoping for the best! Tawakal! May Allah gives the best for all of us. 

Now is the time for our holiday after a long study period. 3 weeks and 2 days, called- first semester break-. Still planning on what to do for this not-so-long holiday, maybe movie marathon? And please make true the planning 'nak turun Johor'. Its been quite a long time already....
Still, my holiday at Kedah will be only until 15 Oct, cause my parents decide on going KL at 16 October. So, my stay at Kedah x lah lame sgt. 

I still can't believe that semester one is finished. It seems like only yesterday we went into the place. Haha, poyo!

So, make use wisely this holiday for all yg tgh holiday. Two bounties that we always forgot to use it wisely and be grateful, " free time and great health". So Aina, remember! ^,^ 

For those yg tgh study, study leklok la ye. Yg ada exam, all the best!

From me, 

Friday, September 17

Entah la

Entah la. Itu title post terkini, sebab entah la, ble part nak tulis title, fikiranku blank. 

Jantungku makin lama makin laju, bukan sebab heart attack, tapi bila memikirkan final examination hari isnin ni. x dapat bayang nak pergi ambil exam, dengan preparation sepanjang cuti ni yang entah apa2. Esok balik ke CFS, Padahal awal2 haritu nak balik lewat konon2 nak biar semua rumet balik dulu, 
yela... aritu time balik cuti raya, diorg dah balik dulu, tinggalkanku sorg2. Tapi , risiko balik lewat sgt tinggi, org ni xlah terer sgt yg balik2 tu tup tap, pergi exam terus. No no man. 

Bukan xsentuh langsung buku time cuti ni, tapi macam x cukup. Bio, bio, bio, paling ku takuti sekali. x tahu mcmmana nak buat dengan Bio. Kadang2 terasa mcm nak tinggalkan je sains2 ni. Tapi, kan x baik kan kalo fikir gitu. Apa yang sudah ditetapkan, mesti ada hikmahnya. Percayalah. 

Roommate sume balik arini except sorg ni, lost, ntah mne dye ilang.

Kawan2, doakanlah exam saya pada isnin, rabu, khamis, jumaat, sabtu, ahad ini.  
Best tgk org2 yg dpt fly. Buat yang ada exam, all the best. mari doakan kejayaan bersama! inshaALLAH.

Ok, tata, nak buat marathon biologi. ;))

Thursday, September 16

Heh, semua lagu nak sedih malam ni. Semua web bukak nak sedih malam ni. Dekat fb, dekat blog lg la.Org juga sedih dia dah pergi :'(. Tapi dia bukan pergi mane2 pun, dia pergi menuntut ilmu. Lagipun, skrg ni zmn moden, mcm2 ade. Masa je ade ke xde. 

Tolong!!! Nak periksa minggu depan. FINAL EXAM!
Tetibe rase nak je balik cfs, bukan x mahu duduk rumah, tp rumah ni bykla dugaan. Bc buku pun mcm susa sgt2..Tolongla..huhu..:(

Monday, September 13

How to be a great friend ^ ^

1.Be your own best friend first.
Learn how to respect yourself. Decide what boundaries are important to you and respect them. Understand what values are important to you.

2.Be loyal.
Stick up for your friend when they need it. Respect those times when they need to stick up for themselves. Trust your friend and allow yourself to be vulnerable with them.

Nobody likes a best friend who just talks and talks, but never listens.

4.Be trustworthy.
If they tell you a secret, keep it, never ever, ever, tell someone a secret your friend wanted you to keep. Don't even leak it out to someone you know you can trust. A secret is a secret.

5.Spend time together.
Hang out on the weekends or plan activities together every now and then, do some homework together, and chat during break at school. You don't have to live in each others' pockets, but make sure you spend some quality time together with your best friend to make the friendship grow and become stronger.

Best friends care for each other. Show them you appreciate their presence in your life. Write them notes to show that you care and are thankful for them, and ask about their lives. Share your own stories, but make sure you have time for them.

7.Share laughs.
There is nothing like laughing and smiling to bring people together.

8.Be yourself.
You are who you are, and your best friend will accept that. Being "fake" could lead you to losing your best friend.

9.Trust each other
You may find it hard in life and think that it is impossible to keep your best friend happy. To be a good best friend really doesn't take much. All you have to do really is make sure you can both trust each other with everything and you don't keep secrets.

it's fun to search things like this...
dear friends, appreciate ur best friends as they are precious things that cannot be exchange by other them with full of ur heart..^ ^



Friday, September 10

Eid Mubarak 2010

Mungkin agak terlambat,

Dek internet connection yang agak perlahan,

Tapi, x mengapa

Terima sahajalah ucapan saya,

Taqabballah minna waminkum solihal a'mal,

Salam Eid Mubarak 1431H/ 2010M

Maaf zahir dan batin jika ada tersalah apa2, terbuat tak kena. :]

Saturday, September 4


Try to be strong enough. But when it comes to be left alone like this, I can't be that strong enough.

Be positive. Be strong. 2 days to go. But still the feeling is still there. :(