Friday, May 21

Jag er nervös samt glad samt ledsen ;)


After a long holiday of almost doing nothing, it's time to study back. Life of study. Today is the day. After Solat Jumaat prayer, inshaALLAH I'll be there. All I want to say is I'm gonna miss whole a lot of thing. 

Friends, yg mane nanti dah susah dah nak jumpa, if you see me online ke ape ke, tegur-tegurlah ye. Kalau nampak tengah jalan ke, tegur-tegur je. 

Yesterday I went to our college. Ramai teachers kirim salam and wish all the best pada kita. Suddenly, terngiang-ngiang kenangan kita dekat situ. Kawan-kawan ;)

Ok, I don't think yg nanti xonline dah. Cuma mungkin xselalu la kot esp waktu awal2 ni. Okla, see you soon, my blog, inshaALLAH. 
Pray for me.

perjalanan masih jauh

  How time flies~~

That's all. I leave you with some of pictures at college. ;)


Gamba sempat upload byk ni je. 
Nak pergi bersiap dah.
Semoga berjumpa lagi
A bientot~~

1 comment:

tralalalal said...

mana gmbar aku?hehe